PPAS AGM 2017 Report

The PPAS AGM for 2017 has been successfully carried out on Saturday 9th Sept 2017

The pre-AGM event started 2:30pm with an engaging panel discussion on the issues faced by the professional creative industry locally and internationally.


The actual AGM started at 4:30pm with 18 voting members present, exceeding the quorum requirement.
The new PPAS committee voted in for the year 2017-2018 consists of the following:

Peter Chua handing over the presidency to Ruth Soh
The 2017-2018 PPAS Committee, missing Geoff Ang, Ukay Cheung, Eujin Goh

President: Ruth Soh
Vice President 1: James Tan
Vice President 2: Geoff Ang
Honorary Secretary: John Yuen
Assistant Honorary Secretary: Barry Seah
Honorary Treasurer: Chng PengEik
Assistant Honorary Treasurer: Donald Pwee

Committee Members:
Darrell Neo
Scott Tan
Eujin Goh

Thank you all for attending!


Images copyright of Tommy Chia and Teo Tee Hua