Discussion about the proposed changes to the Copyright Law at NTUC, June 2019

Singapore Copyright Law Update

The Singapore Ministry of Law is making changes to the copyright law, and this is why you should be involved:

The PPAS has been working with the NTUC and ASG Patrick Tay, along with various government agencies to address the various issues concerning how the current copyright act is affecting our industry since the dialogue with Law Minister K. Shanmugam in 2013.

Discussion about the proposed changes to the Copyright Law at NTUC, June 2019
Discussion about the proposed changes to the Copyright Law at NTUC, June 2019

As visual image creators, our primary products are inherently intellectual properties, and the copyright law is what governs this key component of our business.

Being ignorant of copyright law puts a photographer in a severely disadvantaged position, not unlike a trader who knows nothing about how the stock market works.

Discussion about Copyright Law at NTUC, 2013

The past two decades have seen an exponential increase in the consumption of digital media. Whilst the industry has had some significant development riding the digital wave, repeated disregard for proper copyright usage in various ways has also eroded the gains made. This disregard has also destabilised the business foundations in this industry sector.

This rare opportunity to address the shortcomings is but one of many steps we must take if we want our industry to be sustainable again.

Do the new changes bring fairness to the playing field? We urge you to read through the article (and the act itself), then share any questions or feedback here.

Read the proposed bill here: https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/news/public-consultation-on-proposed-copyright-bill


Full/Affiliate PPAS Members now get Worldwide Professional Indemnity Insurance

What’s going on?
Full and Affiliate Members of the PPAS are now insured up to S$1,000,000 for Professional Indemnity as part of their membership package. After months of sourcing and negotiation with various insurance companies, we’ve finally found a good solution tailored to members of our profession. 

What is it?
This insurance protects the photographer from loss or damage relating to professional photography services. It covers many areas that professional photographers are vulnerable to, including penalty fees from job delays or loss arising from intellectual property infringements, etc. See below for full coverage details.

Why do we need it?
Ask any veteran in our field and they will likely agree that professional indemnity insurance is a vital part of the business. In essence, it covers loss resulting from contractual disputes. 

For example, if you get sued for something that happened in the course of your work (or resulting from it), this insurance covers the damages and legal fees that you would have to pay if you lose the case.

It’s no surprise how little we are in control of, so it’s better to have some protection when a crisis hits, especially if we run our own business. 

Why is this a big deal?
Because it’s as good as getting a 94% discount off an essential business cost. One would normally expect to pay around S$2,000 annually for similar coverage, but now, our Full/Affiliate Members get coverage just by renewing their annual membership fee of S$120. 

Peace of mind for only thirty cents a day. 

Furthermore, members get access to our collective experience in dispute resolution as well. If it happened to you, it probably happened to one of us too. We can help.

This is a WIN for the PPAS and is something the committee has laboured long and hard to procure.

How much is Full Membership and how do I qualify?
Membership annual fees for Full/Affiliate Members are currently S$120. To become Full/Affiliate Members, the applicant must show a credible level of proficiency in both photography and business practices. Applicants must provide a portfolio of works as well as business documents for review. Find out more about the perks of membership at https://ppas.sg/join/

What to do if I need to make a claim?
Contact the PPAS membership team by email or PM us through our social media channels

What if I’m not sure whether my case can be covered?
Contact the PPAS membership team by email or PM us through our social media channels.

What is the Excess Fee?
The excess fee is S$2,500 for any claim up to S$1,000,000, or whatever the insured sum is. This is an aggregate insured sum, meaning the sum is shared among all insured members. For example, if one of our members successfully claims SGD200,000 then the insured sum will be adjusted to SGD800,000 for the remaining insured period.

Note: Worldwide excluding U.S.A. and Canada (most worldwide PI insurances do not automatically cover these two countries)

What are the Insurance Details?
Policy Type: Professional Indemnity
Limit of Liability: SGD1,000,000 any one claim or in the aggregate 
Defense Costs: Part of the limit of indemnity
Excess: SGD2,500 Each and every claim

Sub limits of Liability:

Coverage Sub Limit Excess
Section 1 Insuring Agreement Full Limit SGD2,500
Section 2 Automatic Extensions    
2.1 Vicarious Liability Full Limit SGD2,500
2.2 Defamation Full Limit SGD2,500
2.3 Intellectual Property Full Limit SGD2,500
2.4 Dishonest or Fraudulent Employees Full Limit SGD2,500
2.5 Loss of Documents SGD100,000 Nil
2.6 Compensation for Attendance SGD100,000 Nil
2.7 Quasi Judicial SGD100,000 SGD2,500
2.8 Fair Trading Act Full Limit SGD2,500
2.9 Continuous Cover Full Limit SGD2,500
2.10 Estate Extension Full Limit SGD2,500
2.11 Marital and Domestic Partner Full Limit SGD2,500
2.12 Loss Mitigation SGD10,000 SGD2,500
2.13 Joint Ventures and Partnerships Full Limit SGD2,500
2.14 Contractual Liability Full Limit SGD2,500
2.15 Claims Preparation Costs SGD25,000 Nil
2.16 Cyber Liability Full Limit SGD2,500
2.17 Emergency Defense Costs SGD25,000 SGD2,500
2.18 Extended Reporting Period Full Limit SGD2,500
2.19 Fee Refund / Contractual Fees SGD10,000 SGD2,500
2.20 Licensee Intellectual Property Rights Full Limit SGD2,500
2.21 Patent Extension Not Applicable Not Applicable
2.22 Project Delay Full Limit SGD2,500
2.23 Public Relations Expenses SGD50,000 SGD2,500
2.24 Automatic Renewal Not Applicable Not Applicable
2.25 Additional Insured Not Applicable Not Applicable

Extended Reporting Period: 50%
Territory: Worldwide
Jurisdiction: Worldwide excluding USA/Canada
Policy Wording: Delta Professional Indemnity Insurance 2017
Currency: SGD
Underwriters: Allied World Lloyd’s Syndicate 2232
Endorsements: Defense Costs Amendment Endorsement

PPAS Resource page for Photography Production in Singapore during COVID-19

*Updated 15th May 2022*

This is a constantly-updated page for information and resources pertaining to photography production work during Singapore's COVID-19 period.

Do check back often because this is a rapidly evolving situation and we will update the resources on this page accordingly.

*READ FIRST* Safe Management Measures (SMM) Update Summary:

    • Refer to IMDA's latest media production FAQ here
    • Client-side full vaccination not required for Family Portrait Photography
    • If you have a COVID-19 positive case in your production, follow the prevailing C+ Protocol:

      Protocol 1 Individuals who are unwell, see a doctor, follow recovery instructions,
      Home Recovery Programme if eligible or be conveyed to a care facility.

      Protocol 2 Individuals who are C+ but well, self-isolate for 72 hours, retake ART test
      after 72 hours, if negative, end isolation. If still positive, continue to isolate for 7 days
      (vaccinated individuals) or 14 days (partially vaccinated/unvaccinated individuals).

      Protocol 3 Close contacts of C+ will be served a HRN for 5-days ART monitoring.
      There will not be a need for Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) anymore

Click here to download the summary PDF (with working links): COVID-Summary-2022_0515.pdf

  • Updated ROM Guidelines for wedding photography: https://www.rom.gov.sg/
  • Updated Additional Guidelines for wedding photography: https://www.gobusiness.gov.sg/covid-faqs/for-sector-specific-queries/marriage-solemnizations-and-receptions
  • Updated MICE guidelines for events photography: https://www.stb.gov.sg/content/stb/en/home-pages/advisory-for-MICE.html
  • Main Page for running business in Covid period: https://covid.gobusiness.gov.sg/
  • FAQ (very informative): https://covid.gobusiness.gov.sg/faq/resumption/resumption/

General Gov advisories:

Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), for business related news

Ministry of Health (MOH), for general COVID-19 case numbers and updates

Ministry of Manpower (MOM), requirements for safe management during COVID-19

National Environment Agency (NEA), advisory on surface cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19

It's been a tough time for all of us, we're almost out of the woods, but continue to stay safe and let us all emerge from this crisis stronger.

The PPAS Committee

TOWN HALL Meeting 3 JUNE - 2:00 pm

Calling all Photography Professionals

The PPAS 3rd June Town Hall Meeting concerns you and the future
of our industry going into the ‘New Normal’. COVID-19 has made it
obvious that our community needs to come together
in the face of unprecedented challenges.

We will be talking about the importance of enacting the
safety protocols for the benefit of our clients and crew.

We will also be calling for you to come join us so that the
association and community will have the advantage of
more voices, better ideas and greater strength in numbers.

If you hear what we’re saying, and wish to be
a part of the change machine, join us.
Let’s come together, and let’s see what we can achieve.

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Rental Studio Listing Call

Rental Studio Listing Call

The PPAS is looking to compile a list of studios so that photographers and production teams alike can quickly locate their resources. More importantly, this compilation will be used by the PPAS to explore ways in which the Singapore government and the creative community at large can help studios combat the drop in bookings and income due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


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PPAS Synology NAS and HDD Mass Order

PPAS Synology NAS and HDD Mass Order

In the modern digital era, loss of important data is one of the most feared situations for anyone, especially professionals like yourself. Harddisk failures are more common than ever and it’s extremely scary (not to mention troublesome) to manage our gigantic archive of images using separate independent disk drives.

PPAS has reached out to Memory World to secure a super exclusive killer deal on Synology NAS and Harddisk drives.

Do grab this chance to build a more secure image library!

All purchases of NAS comes with complimentary installation of add-ons and Harddrives (if needed) and also 8hours of Teamviewer support for Memory World to do remote configuration of the NAS to your requirements.

Mass order extended! Take advantage of it while it lasts!


  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE ST14000VN0008 14TB $ 650.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE ST12000VN0008 12TB $ 550.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE ST10000VN0004 10TB $ 415.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE ST8000VN0022 8TB $ 318.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE ST6000VN0033 6TB $ 245.00
  • 5900RPM 64MB CACHE ST4000VN008 4TB $ 160.00

Western Digital RED NAS HDD (3yrs Warranty)

  • 5400RPM 256MB CACHE WD100EFAX 10TB $ 425.00
  • 5400RPM 256MB CACHE WD80EFAX 8TB $ 325.00
  • 5400RPM 64MB CACHE WD60EFAX 6TB $ 248.00
  • 5400RPM 64MB CACHE WD40ERFX 4TB $ 155.00

Western Digital ULTRASTAR Enterprise HDD (5yrs Warranty)

  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE 0F31284 14TB $ 800.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE 0F30144 12TB $ 600.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE 0F27452 10TB $ 529.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE 0B36404 8TB $ 499.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE 0B36039 6TB $ 299.00
  • 7200RPM 256MB CACHE 0B36404 4TB $ 249.00

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